
Anyone else thinks many interviews for restaurants are just bad?

I have been serving in banquets for sometime and I have the experience. But no luck getting a server job at the restaurant of the hotel or some nice restaurant with good tips. Not sure it's because of the competition here (CA resident here) or because English is not my first language. The other day I wasted an hour with the recruiter talking about things outside the position when in reality he wasn't interested hiring me. Then another place sends me a link to pass a long interview assessment with the hope of getting an interview. Like wth. Who has time for all of that. I just find it nonsensical that employers here go to such extends to find the next min wage employee.

I have been serving in banquets for sometime and I have the experience. But no luck getting a server job at the restaurant of the hotel or some nice restaurant with good tips. Not sure it's because of the competition here (CA resident here) or because English is not my first language.

The other day I wasted an hour with the recruiter talking about things outside the position when in reality he wasn't interested hiring me. Then another place sends me a link to pass a long interview assessment with the hope of getting an interview. Like wth. Who has time for all of that.

I just find it nonsensical that employers here go to such extends to find the next min wage employee.

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