
Anywhere I can sell my MacBook Pro for parts?

My company laid me off. They didn’t pay me for the last 10 days of work. I’ve submitted a wage dispute but I never heard back. I do however have my company laptop which is now locked and therefore unusable. Where can I sell it for parts? Two online companies only want to give me $123-150 for it. It’s an M1, I’m sure the parts are far more valuable than $150. It won’t cover what I’m owed and it damn sure won’t pay my rent, which I am now short on because I didn’t get my paycheck, but it’s a glorified paperweight at this point and therefore useless. Before I get a bunch of people telling me it’s stolen property, think of how you would feel if you were laid off without warning and you didn’t have any money for food, and couldn’t pay your rent. that company can ****…

My company laid me off. They didn’t pay me for the last 10 days of work. I’ve submitted a wage dispute but I never heard back. I do however have my company laptop which is now locked and therefore unusable. Where can I sell it for parts? Two online companies only want to give me $123-150 for it. It’s an M1, I’m sure the parts are far more valuable than $150. It won’t cover what I’m owed and it damn sure won’t pay my rent, which I am now short on because I didn’t get my paycheck, but it’s a glorified paperweight at this point and therefore useless. Before I get a bunch of people telling me it’s stolen property, think of how you would feel if you were laid off without warning and you didn’t have any money for food, and couldn’t pay your rent. that company can **** themselves.

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