
Applied for 200+ jobs in a month and 0 replies.

I lost my job last month and have been trying to find anything from work at home to flipping burgers to shoveling cow shit. If the job is within 20 miles, I've applied. The, “No one wants to work” Bullshit I hear every day and the countless times I've seen people comment about if you don't like your life change it, get a new job etc. WELL???? NOW WHAT? What the fuck? I've been trying with easily 200 jobs applied, and at this point I don't even know why I try anymore, GG corporate America I guess you win.

I lost my job last month and have been trying to find anything from work at home to flipping burgers to shoveling cow shit. If the job is within 20 miles, I've applied.

The, “No one wants to work” Bullshit I hear every day and the countless times I've seen people comment about if you don't like your life change it, get a new job etc. WELL???? NOW WHAT? What the fuck? I've been trying with easily 200 jobs applied, and at this point I don't even know why I try anymore, GG corporate America I guess you win.

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