
Asked coworker to stop farting right by me and to step outside. He’s really making me hate working with him

So to give a little context, my coworker is an older guy, around late 40's, constantly says stuff like “my parents never taught me this stuff”, “I ran with the wrong people”, or tells me about how he used to do meth and recently stopped drinking. Really feels sometimes like work is the only place he's social, other than AA meetings, which he occasionally talks about going to. He also told me he has a sex addiction, and constantly talks about what's going on in his life or different problems. On Tuesday he kept farting right by me or in the path of the industrial fan, in total 6 times. If it was just a normal fart it wouldn't be as bad, the smell was like fresh shit sitting in the sun baking on hot concrete for hours. I finally had enough and walked up to him and said “If…

So to give a little context, my coworker is an older guy, around late 40's, constantly says stuff like “my parents never taught me this stuff”, “I ran with the wrong people”, or tells me about how he used to do meth and recently stopped drinking. Really feels sometimes like work is the only place he's social, other than AA meetings, which he occasionally talks about going to. He also told me he has a sex addiction, and constantly talks about what's going on in his life or different problems. On Tuesday he kept farting right by me or in the path of the industrial fan, in total 6 times. If it was just a normal fart it wouldn't be as bad, the smell was like fresh shit sitting in the sun baking on hot concrete for hours. I finally had enough and walked up to him and said “If you're gonna fart can you at least make sure to not be in front of the fan, it's gross. I don't want to be smelling your shit particles”. I know I could of been softer in my approach but it had gotten to the point of just being ridiculous. He proceeds to tell me about how he has his gallbladder removed and he apologized, but said it's because of that they slip out. Part of me really wanted to ask how not having a gallbladder affects how you hold your farts but I didn't. I get it making you more gassy but then step outside more often?? He's legit making me start to hate working with him, I've been at this job for a little over a month and I just don't know what to do. I've been debating on talking to my manager about him going through an HR course or something cause it's just one thing after another with this guy. I get having problems but they shouldn't be brought to work especially some of the things he's bringing up but, I also don't wanna seem like I'm making issues. Just trying to get some outside perspective, or if someone went through something similar how they handled it.
Edit: forgot to say, we work sorting donations so can't really get away. My first solution was to walk away when it happens since normal days he does it 2-3 times. I'm hoping me talking to him gets it to stop but want to know what to do if it doesn't I guess.

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