Without getting too into details I've been busting my ass at work over the last 3 weeks. Had a new project come on line that is supposed to double the plant's income, I've been put in charge of making it happen. I've trained every single person that is working on this new equipment, I've been on the floor all shift every day not sitting in the office, some days I've gone from 6am to 1:15pm before I get my first break. My boss yelled at me today because apparently one of my coworkers is telling him I'm “never there, and I'm clearly not doing anything.” He's also mad because he saw me throwing cardboard in the recycling instead of training people. I was training them how to throw the cardboard in the recycling. I've worked so hard I lost 4 pounds in a week, and I've had 2 nights where…
Author: Olivia
If money is the root of all evil, then capitalism is the tree. The trunk of that tree are the people in power and control of the government. The branches are the banks and for profit prisons. The twigs are the corporations, and the leaves are the CEOs/executives. America is a diseased forest. We are the forest floor that enables the symbiosis from the bottom up. We can spring into action to erode this forest away. We can cure it of the disease that is spreading through the world. One by one. One fallen leaf, branch, twig, pine needle, soil clump, and microorganism at a time. We can erode this forest away!! It’s going to take a mass flooding event to make an impact. This forest has old deep roots, but just like a natural disaster, we can destroy the trunk. And just like mushrooms that network to give nutrition…
Been thinking about doing this since I am just done with my job.
Supporting yourself after quitting work?
This sub is filled with people who don't want to work. I get it. I'm one of them! But how do y'all intend to survive going forward were you to quit your jobs? I want to quit. I hate working. But food and gas and rent aren't free and never will be…
Who’s your daddy
Title. The owner has 4 establishments that he owns, bringing in around 150-200k net profit to him each year. His employees all make between $10/hr and $11/hr. He had employees who had worked for him for 2 years without a raise. So I took it upon myself to increase his labor bill by 15% and give out five raises without his permission, knowing that he would never okay any of them. He can handle it. Fuck toxic owners who make their money off the backs of indentured servitude. He will probably fire me once he finds out, and I could not give any less of a fuck. I hope he does, I’ll whistleblow all of his toxic practices to everyone on the industry.
I work out at a very popular studio workout chain, and they’ve recently had a changing of hands. In my city, minimum wage jumped up 30 cents in the new year, yet somehow, we were still getting paid the 2021 minimum. After i reached out to new management, they tried to say ‘Well, city law states small businesses (due to franchise BS) can pay less than minimum as long as they’re paying X amount in medical benefits.’ Benefits that no part-time employee (which most of us are), are eligible for. Upon being pushed to explain what benefits I’m getting, they peddle back and say ‘well, with commission you make minimum but going forward we’re going to pay everyone the standard minimum just to make it easy’. I didn’t make anything in commission this month. I’m calling the labor board. The backpay they owe isn’t even any money, but the fact…
Ghosted By Potential Employer [RANT]
I just need to rant… I was in the running for a specific job and was very excited about it. Did 4 interviews over the span of a few weeks and I got along great with everyone. No word from them for a week, and then they email me to update that they're “extremely interested” in me for this role and will be sending next steps soon. Weeks go by, I send a follow up asking about the status…nothing. Another week and a half goes by and I send a final email asking if the role was still open (Knowing I probably wouldn't get a response). THEN FUCKING TODAY I see they reposted the job listing on linkedin. I am more than pissed, I spend weeks waiting and hours interviewing with this company and they can't even give me the courtesy to respond to my emails/let me know I didn't…