
Best ways to sustain myself without a corporate job – best ways to utilize my skills

I quit my big 4 management consultancy job 2 years ago. I spent the past 2 years to recover from burnout, discover myself and learn how to balance my needs. I've learned a lot about myself, namely that I'm AuADHD, which explained my struggles feeling fulfilled in my corporate job. I've lived on my savings which are now coming to an end. I can afford another 9 months but afterwards I need new ways to make money. I'm currently planning my next moves and my needs are simple: find a way where I can sustain myself without harming my psychological well-being. I live in Egypt now, where things are very messed up and I believe everything is designed to be as inefficient as possible. This include accumulating any form of wealth (inflation is currently at 39%). Ideally, I want to leave this country too. I lived most of my life…

I quit my big 4 management consultancy job 2 years ago. I spent the past 2 years to recover from burnout, discover myself and learn how to balance my needs. I've learned a lot about myself, namely that I'm AuADHD, which explained my struggles feeling fulfilled in my corporate job. I've lived on my savings which are now coming to an end. I can afford another 9 months but afterwards I need new ways to make money.

I'm currently planning my next moves and my needs are simple: find a way where I can sustain myself without harming my psychological well-being. I live in Egypt now, where things are very messed up and I believe everything is designed to be as inefficient as possible. This include accumulating any form of wealth (inflation is currently at 39%). Ideally, I want to leave this country too. I lived most of my life outside (UK, UAE) but cannot return without a corporate job.

I've been following this subreddit for 2 years, I learned a lot and I have a lot of respect to its contributors. I thought I can brain-storm some ways out with the help of your intellect and experience.

I'm 35m. I have a bachelor of medicine & surgery (EG), Master's in Management (Imperial College London). I have around 4 years of big 4 consulting experience where I consulted to some of the biggest governments and entities in the world. I make music and had a career that went no where in Egypt. I have middle level experience with AI, Deep Learning, Forex. I founded and ran one of the biggest entertainment startups in the region (ended up failing when the 2012 revolution happened). I can also write (academic & creative) and paint. Basic-intermediate skills in Photoshop & animation.

I feel like I have a lot to offer/barter with, but I cannot find way that would be fulfilling enough for me and also be aligned with my spirit. I'm not sure what to expect from this post, but if reading this inspired an answer/advice, I would greatly appreciate it.

I want to serve others and make the world better, I just don't know how I can do that without paying with my soul.

Thank you and smooth sailing!

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