
“Conversion” from contract to FTE and unemployment

After 12 months working at a job through an agency, I received an email from the client congratulating me on being “converted” from an hourly contract worker for the agency to a salaried worker for the client. For roughly 40% what I was previously making. I have no intention of accepting this paycut and think I can collect unemployment. Right now my employer is the agency so my understanding is that when my contract with them ends I am unemployed. The client is asking my to submit a resume and apply for my job (for less than half my current pay) so this would count as a new job, correct?

After 12 months working at a job through an agency, I received an email from the client congratulating me on being “converted” from an hourly contract worker for the agency to a salaried worker for the client. For roughly 40% what I was previously making. I have no intention of accepting this paycut and think I can collect unemployment. Right now my employer is the agency so my understanding is that when my contract with them ends I am unemployed. The client is asking my to submit a resume and apply for my job (for less than half my current pay) so this would count as a new job, correct?

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