
I’m thinking about quitting my job.

I’m 24, I’ve been working in a die cast facility since June 25 , 2018. It’s a high paying job but I don’t get hazard pay, and the job is very underpaid for the chemicals, dust, and fumes we breath. I live at home and pay my own way with my dad, he doesn’t care if I move out or not, he won’t let me pay rent or anything, so I just save it use it to keep my car and truck in good shape so I can go back and forwards to work. Well I bought 15 acres , it’s not perfect but it’s connected to my dads 15 acres so I mean it’s cool because we have a pretty mid relationship, more like brothers then father son (if that makes sense?) I have a decent saving to the point I’m comfortable not having a job for a while…

I’m 24, I’ve been working in a die cast facility since June 25 , 2018. It’s a high paying job but I don’t get hazard pay, and the job is very underpaid for the chemicals, dust, and fumes we breath.

I live at home and pay my own way with my dad, he doesn’t care if I move out or not, he won’t let me pay rent or anything, so I just save it use it to keep my car and truck in good shape so I can go back and forwards to work.

Well I bought 15 acres , it’s not perfect but it’s connected to my dads 15 acres so I mean it’s cool because we have a pretty mid relationship, more like brothers then father son (if that makes sense?)

I have a decent saving to the point I’m comfortable not having a job for a while if I live at home or having a little house built and then having enough savings left to just work with my dad because he wants me too, I won’t make a fraction of what I make now but i technically won’t have a boss besides him, it’s just him. He’s been doing his little ag business for 28 years or so and he’s 56 next year so I’d love to sacrifice my semi enjoyable/free life style to go back to my roots and spend time with him and get away from the system, maybe even go to college like I wanted too.

I honestly just needed to get this off my chest because this factory is destroying my mental health.

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