I’ve been at this job for about 7 months now, it’s a very small warehouse/office space, only 3 people including me.
Outside of this incident, I have several other problems with the job (hours being cut, pay) but that’s a different story.
I was out of work last week due to a family emergency on Wednesday and Thursday and had to leave early on Friday. On Friday I told them I would be back Monday.
However, that didn’t go as planned and on Saturday I realized I wouldn’t be back until Monday night. I sent an email, and then Monday morning before work I texted my boss just to give an extra heads up since I haven’t gotten an email response, it is our work email so it’s not too uncommon for those to go unread on the weekends.
‘I’m sorry, I am still out of town dealing with my mom, I will be back tonight, and will be in the office tomorrow morning’
I thought that was sufficient enough, so I went back into the hospital and turned my ringer off.
This was at 6:00am.
I leave the hospital around 2:00pm and check my phone. I don’t see any texts from my boss but my wife has sent me several screenshots of them texting her.
They blew up her phone at work, asking where I was, am I going to be in tomorrow, what’s going on, I can’t call out 2 hours before work and they’re going to have to have a talk with me.
1: I sent them an email on Saturday, and even if they had said I needed to be in that wouldn’t have been possible.
2: they said they tried to text me but I never got any texts or calls from them.
3: In my text i specifically said I would be back tomorrow. So if they had any issues I think sitting down with me then would have worked.
4: my wife works at a very very high stress job where phones are for emergencies only, so her phone being spammed wasn’t a good look for her.
5: I find it HIGHLY inappropriate for them to text my wife about anything that isn’t an emergency.
I called my boss afterwards and he said I needed to be more communicative, which is fine and I understand. But that is something that could’ve been talked about in person.
Was it inappropriate for them to text my wife? Or am I over reacting?