
Boss fired me for a piercing, and is now playing with my pau

I started a job at a vet clinic. In the interview I was told piercings were okay, they just couldn't be dangly. This makes sense due to the job involving lifting and moving pets all day. I double checked before leaving the interview, and was told by the interviewer septum piercing just needed to be smaller. I immediately went to a body jewelry shop and got a smaller ring. During my first day the clinic owner saw me and told me she doesn't like “bullrings, or whatever we call them” and to take it out. I told her I was told it's okay in the interview, but removed it anyways, and didn't wear it to work again. The next three days were absolute hell, and I learned how gross the owner was. This short sprint included 10 euthanasias and the boss threatening to “make 'it' fit”, when a deceased client…

I started a job at a vet clinic. In the interview I was told piercings were okay, they just couldn't be dangly. This makes sense due to the job involving lifting and moving pets all day. I double checked before leaving the interview, and was told by the interviewer septum piercing just needed to be smaller. I immediately went to a body jewelry shop and got a smaller ring. During my first day the clinic owner saw me and told me she doesn't like “bullrings, or whatever we call them” and to take it out. I told her I was told it's okay in the interview, but removed it anyways, and didn't wear it to work again. The next three days were absolute hell, and I learned how gross the owner was. This short sprint included 10 euthanasias and the boss threatening to “make 'it' fit”, when a deceased client couldn't fit into a coffin. Only three days later she called me into the office and said “it wasn't going to work” and go “come pick up my paycheck on the 1st”. I, of course, asked why. She said because I “lied” in the interview and the interviewer never told me septums are okay. I looked at her confused and she said “I know it seems petty,” and I responded “yeah it does, even if there was a miscommunication I haven't been wearing it”. She looked at me fore awhile then threw out another excuse that I “can't follow instructions, she has lots of examples” then threw out a single example, where I did follow her instructions after corrected. Seemed like she was looking for a reason to fire me so I told her that there's plenty of jobs and that's okay, she rolled her eyes and agreed. So I did get a bit snarky and while I was walking out I told her “yeah, ones that don't euthanize 8 dogs in a single day”. I left a negative review a day later, after having time to think- and recieved a text from the interviewer threatening to sue me for “slander” (whatever). Fast forward to the first, I called the clinic to see when I could pick up my check, as discussed. And was told by the receptionist that the owner decided to mail it to me. I had half a mind to go up there anyways and pick it up as previously discussed. Mail in the city normally only takes 2-3 days though so I let it go. Turns out the owner deliberately snail mailed it, and I shouldn't expect to see it for 5-10 business days. When I told a friend that used to work for the same clinic the situation, they informed me the owner always plays with people's money when she fired them.

TL;DR: got fired for a septum piercing I was told was okay, now it's taking forever to get paid.

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