
Boss forgot about me… again

Title kinda says it all. I work for a company where I fill in for people who call in or take vacation. Often times this means not knowing where or what I am working until 5pm the day before. The first half of this week my bosses forgot to actually get me on a route leaving me high and dry. This isn't even the first time they've done it, probably won't be the last. As an aside: now they've remembered me, they have me scheduled 9 days straight

Title kinda says it all. I work for a company where I fill in for people who call in or take vacation. Often times this means not knowing where or what I am working until 5pm the day before. The first half of this week my bosses forgot to actually get me on a route leaving me high and dry.
This isn't even the first time they've done it, probably won't be the last.

As an aside: now they've remembered me, they have me scheduled 9 days straight

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