
Boss is disconnected from my department rant

So I run a fabrication shop within an HVAC company. My boss is the vice president of the company and runs the actual construction side that I'm part of. Every company get together for the last 10 years or so we never find out about until either the day of or after the fact, and when I've brought it up the many times I have my boss says “ok I'll make sure they know to invite you guys”. And it literally never changes. So fast forward to our father's day brunch. I find out from LinkedIn that they put it on three days after the fact so I bought my guys donuts. Then they have a BBQ and we find out only during the time they've asked us to do a special project. We've been excluded from Christmas parties, new years parties, and anything the company does really. They've moved…

So I run a fabrication shop within an HVAC company. My boss is the vice president of the company and runs the actual construction side that I'm part of. Every company get together for the last 10 years or so we never find out about until either the day of or after the fact, and when I've brought it up the many times I have my boss says “ok I'll make sure they know to invite you guys”. And it literally never changes.
So fast forward to our father's day brunch. I find out from LinkedIn that they put it on three days after the fact so I bought my guys donuts. Then they have a BBQ and we find out only during the time they've asked us to do a special project. We've been excluded from Christmas parties, new years parties, and anything the company does really. They've moved my department to a bigger building for higher production yield and assured us that we won't be “cast aside because we're not in the main building anymore” and yet it's gotten worse. So I told my boss I'm putting my notice in and he acts surprised when I tell him the whole crew feels neglected and disrespected. His answer? “I didn't realize you weren't being involved with these things”.
We've had the discussion. Emails have been sent numerous times with him included. I tell him that anything to do with this shop that they claim they “need more than ever” is being treated like garbage and he's surprised I've put my notice in. Just completely shocks me but I feel like it shouldn't at this point.
Sorry for the long post, but damn I feel like this community actually hears my struggle and I can relate to some of yours. Y'all aren't alone and I'm sorry for the shit you guys all go through.

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