
Boss trying to make up a reason to fire me

Mostly a vent, unless someone knows any remote jobs hiring at around $25/hr. Just like it says in the title… this woman has disliked me from the moment she started 7 months ago. The fact that I take two 10 minute paid breaks was one of the first issues – the state I am in, KS, does not require employers to provide breaks, but our corporate policy clearly states workers that work at least 6 hours are provided two 10 minute paid breaks unless state law requires longer. Thankfully, she was forced to back off of that. Then it was the fact that I didn't hang my coat or keep my backpack in the breakroom, preferring to keep them in my office with me (even if I was okay with leaving my valuables in a break room, my coat has broken multiple hangers at home… it'd destroy the cheap bullshit…

Mostly a vent, unless someone knows any remote jobs hiring at around $25/hr. Just like it says in the title… this woman has disliked me from the moment she started 7 months ago. The fact that I take two 10 minute paid breaks was one of the first issues – the state I am in, KS, does not require employers to provide breaks, but our corporate policy clearly states workers that work at least 6 hours are provided two 10 minute paid breaks unless state law requires longer. Thankfully, she was forced to back off of that. Then it was the fact that I didn't hang my coat or keep my backpack in the breakroom, preferring to keep them in my office with me (even if I was okay with leaving my valuables in a break room, my coat has broken multiple hangers at home… it'd destroy the cheap bullshit in the breakroom). She was even more pissed when she realized that I bought a coat rack for my office, so now my coats, hats, and whatever else is in plain view of every customer that I see.

I also wouldn't be surprised if she takes issue with the fact that I am openly not of any Abrahamic faiths. Likewise she's made it a point, more than once, to point out that at her old bank I would be told to cover my tattoos and would not be permitted to wear my septum or nosering (all of which are permitted by company policy). My biggest crime? I question her. When things don't make sense I question it, ask her for where she found this info, ask for the rational behind things – I'm never rude, but if I'm being told I have to follow a specific rule I've never heard of, or do things a certain way even if there are easier ways, I want to know the rational. Even if it is a stupid explanation, as long as it isn't “because I said so” I'll probably follow the rule. I'll probably gripe a bit, but if it's a legitimate rule and you explain why it's so important, sure, I'll follow it. But she has a tendency to make rules up and claim that people are being “resistant to improvements” when I or others question things.

For the past few months she's been playing nice with me. Of course, she's always done that a bit – she is incapable of being direct, and rather than having a direct conversation with someone will instead complain about them to anyone who will listen. I've been doing my best to push through until another branch gets an opening (I work for a large, national bank) or I find something that is either close to home or remote and pays the same or better. I've been careful not to do anything that triggers the bullshit. But even in spite of that, I am confident when I say this woman is trying to start a paper trail so she can fire me. She's never been able to so much as write me up yet – I'm rarely late, I do exactly as much as is required of me (but no more, much to her anger), and I consistently hit my metrics. We are required to hit certain metrics – you need to have so many calls and/or meetings in a day, averaged out over the course of a week to the equivalent of 150 calls (each meeting counts for so many calls) if you have a 5 day week.

Part of her job as my manager is to ensure I have enough households or leads in my book of business that I am able to hit that metric. I've been asking her for months to give me more households, that soon I was going to start having trouble hitting my metrics… and yet nothing. After I have asked her multiple times she will add 10 new households, maybe. Today, the day she was out of course, it all came crashing into reality. Every single household in my book of business has at least had attempts to contact them in the last 90 days. I needed the equivalent of 35 more calls over the next two days to hit that metric and there is just no way for me to hit those numbers. The other banker in my branch has over double the amount of households that I do. And yet I have to ask for weeks on end for 10… that I promptly burn through within an hour. But because I don't kiss her ass and I don't look like a generic ass whitebread woman from the suburbs and because I don't bow to her every ridiculous whim, she hates me. And now I'm convinced that she not only wants to fire me or make me quit, she is actively trying to create a paper trail to get rid of me.

I don't know what to do (other than starting to create my own paper trail, which is already in the works, including multiple HR complaints). My husband doesn't make much money and I can't afford to lose this job – I've got bills and a mortgage to pay, my husband and I (plus our pets) to feed. Nowhere else pays as much unless it's insanely specialized. The one job I was (frankly over) qualified for I applied for, seemed to wow the phone interviewer, and then promptly got a rejection 2 days later and was ghosted when I asked for feedback. Most places aren't even sending a rejection – my applications just go into a void and I never hear anything, not even an automated rejection.

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