
Can anyone help with information, it would greatly be appreciated

So last week I ended up having to take 3 days off work because my mother got admitted to the hospital and had to have emergency surgery. Well I had to take off those 3 days mind you I had plenty of points and still had vacation well I come into work this morning and they fired me because they said I took off too much time in one week, like it was an emergency and that’s not how our points work. Regardless I’m a single father of 2 girls and after Christmas I don’t have enough money to pay my rent on the first, does anyone know of any place in Ohio that has any kind of assistance that helps in emergencies like this, I live in Richland county if that helps. Totally got blindsided by my company, ever since they got a new young guy in HR he’s…

So last week I ended up having to take 3 days off work because my mother got admitted to the hospital and had to have emergency surgery. Well I had to take off those 3 days mind you I had plenty of points and still had vacation well I come into work this morning and they fired me because they said I took off too much time in one week, like it was an emergency and that’s not how our points work. Regardless I’m a single father of 2 girls and after Christmas I don’t have enough money to pay my rent on the first, does anyone know of any place in Ohio that has any kind of assistance that helps in emergencies like this, I live in Richland county if that helps. Totally got blindsided by my company, ever since they got a new young guy in HR he’s been running the place into the ground I just don’t wanna worry about me and my kids getting kicked out, I have a job interview on Friday but that doesn’t guarantee anything and it’s still gonna leave me not being able to pay my rent on the first. If anyone has any advice or knows of any organization that helps with things like that I would greatly appreciate it

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