
Can I Find Out the ‘Real’ Reason I was Fired?

In January I was fired from a good paying job at a university after only 6 weeks (technically only 4 weeks of actual work). I was told in the moment, “It's just not a good fit.” I pressed my manager further and she said, “We didn't see you using your notes enough… it's just not a good fit.” This made no sense to me. On my way out the door the manager said, “You're a creative person, you need to find a place where you can be creative.” This really didn't make any sense because this job was so far from creative I don't know how my manager could get any sense of my creativity. This all hit me out of nowhere. I have never been fired and have a pretty solid work history. I had left another job for this university job. I went on unemployment after this and…

In January I was fired from a good paying job at a university after only 6 weeks (technically only 4 weeks of actual work). I was told in the moment, “It's just not a good fit.” I pressed my manager further and she said, “We didn't see you using your notes enough… it's just not a good fit.” This made no sense to me. On my way out the door the manager said, “You're a creative person, you need to find a place where you can be creative.” This really didn't make any sense because this job was so far from creative I don't know how my manager could get any sense of my creativity.

This all hit me out of nowhere. I have never been fired and have a pretty solid work history. I had left another job for this university job. I went on unemployment after this and couldn't get another job for 4 months.

I just… I find that I still want to know. I am worried it's just going to suddenly happen again. I was so hurt by the firing. I even took 2 full time jobs after being unemployed, in case something happened. The reasons not making sense just ate me up. I was going over everything I did and every interaction I ever had there. Now granted, there were some red flags from this place but unless someone asks I won't go into them because I don't tend to be brief.

I emailed the manager a week after I was fired and asked if she could better explain the reasons I was fired so that I could change whatever it was that I did, so it wouldn't happen again… but she never responded.

Should I just let it go and move on? Or is there some way I can really find out? Would the people at the unemployment office know the real reason and be able to tell me?

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