
Can we have a “I SHOULD have quit on the spot but I didn’t” thread?

I am reading with relish the stories of people who had had enough of their job, threw down their pen/apron/knife and walked out. I love them. I am so jealous. I have the character flaw that I stay too long and burn myself out. Part of it is because of money. Part of it is because…who know. I worked for a startup software company. I was employee number 4. I built the tech support, QA, documentation, quality control, distribution, etc etc. I helped Sales and Marketing. When I started we had 25 clients. We were international in 8 years. We got bought by a Sociopath (think wannabe Elon without the money, brains or charm). He decided to move my Tech Support department by hiring new people without notifying me, giving me 2 weeks In A Conference Room(!!!!!) to train them, and then switching the phones. And replacing me with an…

I am reading with relish the stories of people who had had enough of their job, threw down their pen/apron/knife and walked out. I love them. I am so jealous.
I have the character flaw that I stay too long and burn myself out. Part of it is because of money. Part of it is because…who know.

I worked for a startup software company. I was employee number 4. I built the tech support, QA, documentation, quality control, distribution, etc etc. I helped Sales and Marketing. When I started we had 25 clients. We were international in 8 years. We got bought by a Sociopath (think wannabe Elon without the money, brains or charm). He decided to move my Tech Support department by hiring new people without notifying me, giving me 2 weeks In A Conference Room(!!!!!) to train them, and then switching the phones. And replacing me with an EX-Secretary. Following the First Warm Body theory, rather then hire someone with years of Oracle, databases, our software, and the other softwares used with it. I said I didn’t think it would work. He said it was my job to make it work. WHY did I not quit right there and then? Then they laid me off and kept her. I couldn’t talk about it for years without screaming or sobbing. I am still iffy. 8 fucking years. [a few years later the company collapsed and was sold]

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