
Cannot and have never been able to get jobs in my home state (Alabama) Is there a reason for this?

Before I left to move out of state with my mom, I had to get jobs remotely from other states. Then when I came back to our home state, I had to get work from home jobs. For some reason everytime I try to pursue a job or career in my home state (Alabama) I am met with resistance. Its either large disdain during the interview or finding myself in messed up positions when I get hired. I am trying to enter the medical field and instead of one guy telling me I wasn't s good fit, he chastised me about my contract jobs being short and then said he would call my references to determine if I could be hired. He never called them. Then when I had the agency look for an update, he said they ran out of scholarships. Even though I talked to him the day…

Before I left to move out of state with my mom, I had to get jobs remotely from other states.

Then when I came back to our home state, I had to get work from home jobs.

For some reason everytime I try to pursue a job or career in my home state (Alabama) I am met with resistance. Its either large disdain during the interview or finding myself in messed up positions when I get hired.

I am trying to enter the medical field and instead of one guy telling me I wasn't s good fit, he chastised me about my contract jobs being short and then said he would call my references to determine if I could be hired. He never called them. Then when I had the agency look for an update, he said they ran out of scholarships. Even though I talked to him the day before.

This time, I had to force the hiring coordinator to start my orientation. Kept telling me she would call me. Never called me. Turned me around when I tried to talk with her face to face. Then trying to send me a rejection email and when I called, she finally answered and tried to say that I was a no show but she never called me. I took the training class for 2 weeks. Now after my 2 weeks, all of my classmates at our facility have a schedule but I don't. When I asked for a schedule to be prepared, the director literally was discussing shifts available for another already CNA to if I wasn't standing there. They won't take my phone calls, won't answer to the group meet chats. Won't answer to my texts.

This is the basic bullshit and wacky bullshit I go through when trying to get hired in my home state.

When I was younger, I had two dudes call me in for an interview, leading me on with the idea that their hiring manager was there. I drive all the way there and there's no hiring manager in site and the 2 men are sitting there at the counter. I waited an hour and he never came. As I left, they were snickering when I asked for compensation for driving out and getting lied to about the interview.

Even when it comes to internships, the interviews were very uncanny and bewildered. The panels would shake their head and basically be condescending.

What is this???

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