
Can’t have a boss

I’m a teacher. I was told it’s “problematic” i come in 5 – 15 minutes late since having kids and that I was late four times in two weeks (though II missed no classes and got coverage). Those four later than usual times were when I had to get my father in law from the ER, my kids had pneumonia and an ear infection, and I wanted to be with my wife at an oncology appointment. Boss texted me about the “problematic” nature of this on my way to school then told me she thought the school was too understanding of my family and that she felt I was saying my other responsibilities were more important. I said “that is what I’m saying!” The meeting ended with her encouraging me to leave the house earlier and me asking for understanding when we’re 5/15 minutes late in the morning like the…

I’m a teacher. I was told it’s “problematic” i come in 5 – 15 minutes late since having kids and that I was late four times in two weeks (though II missed no classes and got coverage). Those four later than usual times were when I had to get my father in law from the ER, my kids had pneumonia and an ear infection, and I wanted to be with my wife at an oncology appointment. Boss texted me about the “problematic” nature of this on my way to school then told me she thought the school was too understanding of my family and that she felt I was saying my other responsibilities were more important. I said “that is what I’m saying!” The meeting ended with her encouraging me to leave the house earlier and me asking for understanding when we’re 5/15 minutes late in the morning like the old director did and that if there couldn’t be room for lives like mine in the profession they’d only have 25 year olds working here in five years.

I have dreams and some hustling plans I hope will make ends meet but I couldn’t do it any longer. I feel less respected by bosses than ever and refuse to be paid a shitty wage while having work piled on. I had to make a move and take power back even though they’ll be happy to get rid of a squeaky wheel and pay s younger person with no entanglements less money.

Thanks for reading.

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