Category: Antiwork
A job you love…?
Watching season 2 of the bear during one of the most depressed lost periods of my life after backing myself into a job I do not enjoy. This show has me crying remembering what it feels like to LOVE what you do, when the stress fuels you instead of destroys you. To be in the zone. I also noticed children, spouses, bills don’t seem to play any role in this story… it is a lot easier to pursue your passion when you don’t have to worry about that stuff. If you could do anything, if you could be “allowed” to do a job, what would it be??
so I've worked at a factory since early December, was told I'd get good benefits like stable hours, company health insurance, PTO, but the only benefit I'd get while I was still a temp was paid holidays off. ok cool kind of weird but I'll deal, 5 months later I get told I'm gonna be an official employee now, no longer a temp and I'll be able to get my benefits, after I've worked there for 6 months, and surprise! that 6 months starts now. so until 6 months of not being a temp goes by I have 0 benefits, including those holidays. which applies to July 3rd and 4th. there's also been some talk thrown around of doctor's notes not being accepted as proof of sickness/being absent from work. apologize if this comes off as weird but just venting because I just wont be paid for days other people…
My fiance is picking up the slack for this company, and is filling in the work of 3 people due to the lack of new hires yet is barely making shit. They also push him to respond on slack even when off the clock and expect him to be readily available to respond. I told him to push back but I guess when he did on both of these issues they held the typical “Why don't you want to be a team player” shit over his head.
Stressed Out
We used to play pretend, give each other different names We would build a rocket ship and then we'd fly it far away Used to dream of outer space, but now they're laughing at our face saying “Wake up, you need to make money”, yeah
promissory estoppel in Texas…
I’ve gotten involved with someone who pretty much used me to get out of a shitty situation they were in. Living with an abusive ex who starved her and took all her money. Being emotionally and psychologically abusive to her. Down to the very last thing their bf at the time could dominate them over. Such as their hobbies. Such as their art supplies being locked in a closet with the key being held by her bf and her being unable to skateboard. As soon as I learned she had a bf I stopped talking to her but over time she kept pursuing me and texting me. She would have really nice conversations with me and eventually we became friends. Then she started sending me naughty photos but then she felt guilty. Because she was with her bf at the time. However she eventually convinced me to go meet her…
I am under NDA and stupid shit if I want to receive my severance. So, purposefully vague because if I gave details it would be easy to pinpoint who I am. I was recently 'laid off' from a company that was just acquired by a FAANG equivalent. Was with the company for about 18 months. The M&A happened about a year into it. In that year, I was promoted… along with 3 of 4 of my peers. The last one getting fired about 2 months ago for… pissing off the co-founder of the company. They said incompetence, put her through the whole rigmarole with write-ups and a PIP. But, really, it was because she pissed on the co-founder of the company. Also, over the last 2 months, there was a whole bunch of restructuring. We got a new CEO and he cleaned shop from the top down. I survived that…
Anyone else feel dead inside?
I know I can't blame this all on GEICO, but I feel they are a big contributor. I started at GEICO when I was 20. It's the only real job I've ever known. I have spent my entire adult life supporting a company that no longer cares about it's employees. I legit feel dead inside…like I just wasted the past 25 years of my life for nothing. I have isolated myself, and I used to be a very social person. Now, as soon as I turn off the computer, I want to go to bed and not wake back up. Don't get me wrong, I'm not suicidal by any means, but I used to value my life. I have stopped reaching or or calling friends and family, because honestly, dealing with people all day every day is depressing. People are assholes, and we are just expected to take it with…