Category: Antiwork
Well, this is going to be interesting.
This is Spot on
Not sure if this type of post is appropriate here, but I figured some others here might have experience with the same thing. A little over a year ago, my mom quit her shitty job as a 911 operator for a state university and moved to do emergency intake at a hospital. This hospital is part of a medical group that we have been a part of for awhile. A couple of months ago, her workplace announced that in order for their insurance to cover prescriptions for employees and their families, the scrips have to be ordered through the group’s mail order pharmacy. Now, I’ve had prescriptions filled through the mail order pharmacy before, and they suck. Late prescriptions, no way to track, awful website, etc. I usually pick up my meds from the pharmacy on my campus (I live out of state away from my parents). So, I had…
REI workers in Durham, Boston, Eugene and Chicago are striking. Please consider supporting the striking workers.
Meanwhile, From Another Planet.
To hell with Arbitration Agreements
As the title states, fuck em. My prior post here clarifies that I was fired for “insubordination” for refusing straight-up dangerous work almost entirely untrained and that went against multiple safety guidelines. Come to find out, buried deep in my documents I signed when I was a contractor, before I got hired (which I read thoroughly when hired, I figured why not get paid for the whole day instead of bust through everything quick and get home at the time) is a fucking arbitration agreement. Attorney has looked it over entirely and there's no way out really. This is the same company that gave me on-the-job panic attacks, anxiety, stress, I bawled my eyes out in front of other employees because I constantly felt like I was trapped in doing dangerous work I had pointed out numerous times to the supervisors as being dangerous, against the rules, and uncomfortable doing.…