Category: Antiwork
My wife was a regional financial controller for a very large publicly traded company until today. Her boss is an undeniable hypocritical bitch with a completely toxic and paranoid attitude but we have dealt with it for about three years now. Somehow her bosses listened to or played back a one-on-one Teams audio call she had with a coworker via Teams audio where they were (rightfully) dogging their tyrannical boss and they were both terminated. I don’t know whether to be proud or upset that I was in the background saying things like “she’s a fucking psycho bitch” in reference to her boss. I’m sure that didn’t help the situation. The call also involved him giving her inside info about how they coordinated to lowball her for the position and that they laughed about her being underpaid. They played this call back in front of her during her termination and…
I’m not full time but I’m responsible for bringing in at least half the revenue. It’s not like I’m being greedy, but an extra $295.20 per year would bring my hourly rate to $69.420 per hour…. Maybe I can negotiate a few hours less per year to compensate….
I want to quit already
I had just started working for the first time ever in my life and I feel like my efforts and my time and my work should be paid more to do any of this. It is very simple work but at the end of the day it is really really tiredsome and I feel like I just don't want to work anymore. It just has become so overly tiresome and overwhelming and it's so weird that I get paid $12 an hour just to deal with some privileged people. I feel like I'm trapped and I can't do anything I want to be rich and free but how can I? I'm just 16.
No production pay
If your employer has a performance quota and no production pay. Also have a bogus disciplinary actions such as verbal or written warnings, up to termination. If these production quota is not made? What would you do to stop or ask for compensation?
Not much to say
I just can’t care anymore…
I was a tryhard, hell still am, but… they finally got me broken now. Internal hostile takeover, they're shipping us off to whatever ZONES they feel are best regardless of what we want, regardless of what expertise we have, regardless of ANYTHING. We get no say and they're slowly going to implement scope creep till its all just untenable. Doubling and tripling our userbases while making us train new folks under us who are hired in at higher rates with lesser knowledge and skill. I used to care… I busted my ASS because I was getting merit rewards for it, cleaning up a system that was so broken, getting good raises, but now… It just doesn't matter. They'll increase the workload till I can't possibly function at that level, say my KPIs are down, put my ass on a PIP and laugh while the pinkslip of damocles swings overhead. ALL…