
Child labor exploitation .. i guess

I worked at a camp for 6 weeks this summer, i was really really excited about it, and when i interviewed i knew that because im 15 they wouldnt pay me and itd be all for volunteer hours. I was really excited for this job because it was at an arts camp and I really want to work with kids/be a teacher when im older. After setup/orientation week though i like really realized it was going to be over 50 hour weeks and just how exhausted i was after just one week. I had to attend meetings and work 12+ hour days multiple times a week and was asked to stay later at times even when people who were paid werent. I also had to pay for my own lunch there, and it was half off but i basically just paid to work there. At the end i had 260…

I worked at a camp for 6 weeks this summer, i was really really excited about it, and when i interviewed i knew that because im 15 they wouldnt pay me and itd be all for volunteer hours. I was really excited for this job because it was at an arts camp and I really want to work with kids/be a teacher when im older. After setup/orientation week though i like really realized it was going to be over 50 hour weeks and just how exhausted i was after just one week. I had to attend meetings and work 12+ hour days multiple times a week and was asked to stay later at times even when people who were paid werent. I also had to pay for my own lunch there, and it was half off but i basically just paid to work there. At the end i had 260 volunteer hours to turn in and its been 2 weeks after and i am still just so exhausted. I am so tired and the job was fulfilling sometimes but just so so crushing. I dont know if i regret it, fully, because i feel like it was a good opportunity and chance and i did enjoy it. I would like to go back next year.. for pay. But i just am so tired, and feel really exploited and taken advantage of for my work. But i also agreed to it. I dont really know what im trying to say, i think i mostly wanted to complain because its been 99% of my summer and that entire time i did almost nothing else i enjoyed and now that its over i dont even know what im supposed to do with myself. It was my first job, and i still just feel so crushed. idk, any input? i know it was probably really dumb for me to take this job in the first place but it seemed like a fun experience and nice for the future

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