
Coming back to the office? How much?? .. Nah, I am good!

Since my work assignment ended I looked at the other opportunities in the market. I was basically doing remote or 95% remote work or the last two years. It appears that people do not get it. If they want to see me in the office they have to pay me extra. The nerves the interview people or the people writing the job assignments /properties have… My current job that ends this month that I had for 15 months now I took a pay cut of 15% since it was 95% remote over the other quite similar job where I would have had to show up for 3 days a week… . So currently if I would work another assignment I would simply look for the best remote job offer and would demand 20% more money if they want to see me in office for 3 days a week… . What…

Since my work assignment ended I looked at the other opportunities in the market. I was basically doing remote or 95% remote work or the last two years. It appears that people do not get it. If they want to see me in the office they have to pay me extra. The nerves the interview people or the people writing the job assignments /properties have…

My current job that ends this month that I had for 15 months now I took a pay cut of 15% since it was 95% remote over the other quite similar job where I would have had to show up for 3 days a week… .

So currently if I would work another assignment I would simply look for the best remote job offer and would demand 20% more money if they want to see me in office for 3 days a week… .

What would you be willing to forfeit in terms of pay if you could have a remote job instead of a full time office job or a 3 days at the office full time job?

PS: I mean think about the idiots that enjoy the office lifestyle… you have to pay me extra extra for me to tolerate those…

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