
Commuting time as work time

Management/executives have been unilaterally screwing the workers over for years. Anyone gonna argue that? Thought not. Labor unions generally only apply themselves to single industries so they cant really help in this case, so go ol’ r/antiwork it is. Time to unite across industries and restart some practices left behind from pre-pandemic, and extend it to others. Back in the 80s people worked 9-5 and took a lunch as part of an 8hr day. During the pandemic, we worked 8hrs from home and didn’t charge them for the time we took lunch. — Start counting lunch time as work time again!! —But in addition, since we would otherwise be working, now that we have to commute, why arent we counting that time as working time?? We are not commuting for our health or for any other purpose than the company. They are taking our time unnecessarily, and thus we should…

Management/executives have been unilaterally screwing the workers over for years. Anyone gonna argue that? Thought not.

Labor unions generally only apply themselves to single industries so they cant really help in this case, so go ol’ r/antiwork it is. Time to unite across industries and restart some practices left behind from pre-pandemic, and extend it to others.

Back in the 80s people worked 9-5 and took a lunch as part of an 8hr day.

During the pandemic, we worked 8hrs from home and didn’t charge them for the time we took lunch.

— Start counting lunch time as work time again!!

—But in addition, since we would otherwise be working, now that we have to commute, why arent we counting that time as working time?? We are not commuting for our health or for any other purpose than the company. They are taking our time unnecessarily, and thus we should be compensated for it.

We used to put in a full 8 hrs between 7-3 or 9-5 (if we skipped lunch) and now they’re expecting us to do the same but spread out between 6 and 5 or 7 and 7, depending on traffic? Yet then they offer seminars at work about maintaining balance between life and work???

Maintain your work life balance! Count your commute as time worked.

I know this is much harder for hourly vs salaried employees, but its got to start somewhere. Some hourly people can clock in/out on their phone, so yea.

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