
Company Based health insurance is a mess

My sister has been with a company for the required time in order to receive health insurance. Idk if I can mention what the insurance company is, but she had to apply through their website. After waiting weeks for her appointment that she booked through her company's insurance she arrives at her appointment only to find out they don't accept HMOs or new patients. This specific Primary Care Provider was listed on their website and acknowledged her appointment. Not only did she get turned away, but after calling about 6 or 7 places also listed on the same website she got the same info: “We don't accept [said insurance]” Or “We don't accept new patients.” Now my sister is stuck searching for a place that will take her that isn't gonna put her on a 3+ month waiting list. After speaking with her boss and HR who just gave her…

My sister has been with a company for the required time in order to receive health insurance. Idk if I can mention what the insurance company is, but she had to apply through their website.

After waiting weeks for her appointment that she booked through her company's insurance she arrives at her appointment only to find out they don't accept HMOs or new patients. This specific Primary Care Provider was listed on their website and acknowledged her appointment.

Not only did she get turned away, but after calling about 6 or 7 places also listed on the same website she got the same info:

“We don't accept [said insurance]”


“We don't accept new patients.”

Now my sister is stuck searching for a place that will take her that isn't gonna put her on a 3+ month waiting list.

After speaking with her boss and HR who just gave her phone numbers to the insurance company – they also gave her information to the same doctor's offices that denied her insurance initially – She's now stuck not being able to find a PCP that is within a decent distance.

My sister requires medication and her whole reason for taking the shit job she took was because they advertised such a great healthcare system and she was sick of paying out the ass for medication.

How the fuck is this shit legal? How on earth are companies and their insurance providers so irresponsible that they can't even properly communicate with the offices they claim are within their Network? Especially given how much they take from her fucking paycheck for the insurance?! They'll gladly work to take her money but they won't work to organize themselves?!

Sorry for the rant, but this employer driven healthcare crap is absolutely ridiculous. The lack of communication, lack of updated information, and high cost is insane for somebody who makes $11/hr.

She's now stuck in this job having to deal with it lest she quits or I add her to my insurance (idk if this can happen now that she's 18 in Texas). We had to divert most of our funds to my mom who is in a home with dementia. I make a decent living, but I can't keep dishing out money like this or I'll go broke myself.

I'm absolutely sick of employer based healthcare. Something has to change.

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