
Company is a sinking ship and you will NOT take me with you

*posted this in pettyrevenge and was told it might better fit this sub* Some background info, I have worked in healthcare for around 10 years now, starting as a nurse and moving my way up to management in different clinics…..with that being said, I realize that as much as I care and want to help people, corporate America doesn't and I shouldn't be surprised. So, I have been working for a mental healthcare startup company for about 2 years now. When I first interviewed with them I was very excited because they were very patient centered and wanting to change how mental healthcare is viewed and to make it more accessible for all along with offering speciality treatments like Ketamine. For the first 9 months of my career it was a dream. Not only was I able to work from home, but I was able to really build lasting rapport…

*posted this in pettyrevenge and was told it might better fit this sub*

Some background info, I have worked in healthcare for around 10 years now, starting as a nurse and moving my way up to management in different clinics…..with that being said, I realize that as much as I care and want to help people, corporate America doesn't and I shouldn't be surprised.

So, I have been working for a mental healthcare startup company for about 2 years now. When I first interviewed with them I was very excited because they were very patient centered and wanting to change how mental healthcare is viewed and to make it more accessible for all along with offering speciality treatments like Ketamine.

For the first 9 months of my career it was a dream. Not only was I able to work from home, but I was able to really build lasting rapport with patients and help them on their journey while actively working to research, navigate and offer resources to those who I couldn't, it really made me feel like I was able to give something back and help others the best I could.

Then month 10 hit….

Lay-offs hit, people who had been so understanding and working hard to help people and drive this clinic to be better where gone in an instant with only a company wide email from the CEO of how “untimely and unfortunate” things where.

Company re-structure started, with the lay-offs just happening and being extremely short staffed we had an influx of new employees, now this wouldn't have been bad had the people they hired either been trained properly or had some type of background in healthcare….they didn't and the training was shit to say the least.

I doubled down to work over time, train new staff when I could, pick up new roles and help out wherever I could as much as I could because to me it wasn't fair to patients to be left hanging because upper management decided to suck ass.

Here comes the Red Flags.

1.) 4 Different Clinical Operations Managers within a 6 month period.

2.) Promotions and pay rise for new employees who started 6 months after myself and another nurse who had been with the company for longer, had extensive background in healthcare and healthcare management, while the promotions offered were given to those with very, very little background in healthcare or none at all.

3.) Fired the entire HR team ( 4 people ) and hired 1 HR person same day. CEO sent another company wide email with the “sad and unfortunate” news.

4.) Taking on new tasks and realizing charting/documentation between staff and patients was literally not being done at all or was so absurdly incorrect.

5.) CEO asked that we “push” for more ketamine based treatment (because you should always push treatments that don't align with an individual because it makes them more money clearly.)

6.) Providers and Therapists begin quitting. Management states they are “taking care of it” and come to find out that providers that have been gone for 3+ months have patients that were never notified or scheduled with a new provider for their medication management.

7.) Constant bait and switch scheduling tactics. Offering that certain providers and therapists are available when they are under a scheduling freeze but not pulling them from scheduling platforms or alerting patients because they want people calling in to be given “other options”.

8.) Realizing that upper management/lead has been sending out emails with my and other signatures to make it look like they are coming from us….(contacted HR so fast about that)

9.) Training for new staff/providers/therapists is literally nonexistent. (We changed from one EMR/EHR to another in December of 2022, no one was trained on it, I literally spent 2 weeks with a therapists I had great rapport with to help her out because management wasn't getting back to her.)

10.) 5% pay rise ( not even a full dollar ) along with constant “we really appreciate everything you do and how hard you work” and having to be apart of upper management/leadership meetings to talk about “improvement” and asked “what do you think we need to work on/improve?” (They had me in the first half, but once I realized I was in an echo chamber and screaming into a void along with 0 career advancement I pulled out and stopped attending.)

So now here we are.

I have a 1:1 quarterly review meeting with my manager tomorrow (that they scheduled 30 minutes passed my working hours) and I am going to tell them I quit and will be sending in my equipment this week.

I am not this ships captain and I will not be going down with it.

So long dipshits.


Didn't clock in for my shift today ( made sure yesterday my schedule was cleared for the rest of the week so patients didn't suffer) and sent in a resignation letter effective immediately.

TL;DR My company started going downhill at a fast rate. Screwed over those who actually worked hard in favor of those who elbow rubbed, left patients in purgatory for months, financially fucked up employees and patients, valued profit over people and never took accountability. So I ghosted them and sent in a resignation letter.

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