
Company is forcing me to quit

Since the pandemic my company has been WFH or hybrid with people also being able to go into the office if they wanted. We have regular company updates where it has been said multiple times that hybrid work will be the way forward. A few weeks back we had a company update and they dropped the bombshell that they would stop WFH completely and give everyone 2 months to move closer to the office, commute or…what? They said they would work it out with the people unable to commute or move in the given timeframe. Most people who work from home don't actually have a WFH contract, including me. I just never realised this shift could happen so suddenly- like why not just mention this at the beginning of the year so people can prepare properly? I mean they were still hiring people for remote jobs from all across the…

Since the pandemic my company has been WFH or hybrid with people also being able to go into the office if they wanted.
We have regular company updates where it has been said multiple times that hybrid work will be the way forward.
A few weeks back we had a company update and they dropped the bombshell that they would stop WFH completely and give everyone 2 months to move closer to the office, commute or…what? They said they would work it out with the people unable to commute or move in the given timeframe. Most people who work from home don't actually have a WFH contract, including me. I just never realised this shift could happen so suddenly- like why not just mention this at the beginning of the year so people can prepare properly? I mean they were still hiring people for remote jobs from all across the country until two months ago or so and literally no one (apparently) saw this coming.

At first everyone seemed pretty positive we could talk about an extension at least, since two months to move and uproot everything is not that easy, especially when you're stuck in a tenancy agreement, have pets, children in schools etc.
It took around a month or so to get proper information from HR and now they are just saying that if people are unable to come to the office after the two months are up, they are in breech of their contract. Which means we will be forced to quit. I don't know where this shift came from. The project has been going terribly sure, but this is due to multiple fuckups by higher-ups so I really don't know why people who have worked their asses off all this time and had nothing but great performance reviews now have to take the fall. Then again it's what cooperations do so who am I kidding.
It's extra annoying because we work with outsource companies so half my team is working in a different company anyway and all of our meetings will still be held online.
I am unable to commute as I live too far away and for reasons I don't want to get into now I am unable to move.
I am so angry because this is a company that constantly talks about caring about their workers wellbeing etc. etc.
Some people might still be able to get a bit of an extension but I don't know and it's not something I can rely on as I feel like they give 0 shits. From things they have said in emails they seem to be okay with taking the hit of people leaving anyway. People have suggested this might as well just be a way of “firing” people without having to fire them.
I have been stressed all year and suffer from bad anxiety. I was looking forward to finally going away for a few weeks this summer but now I can only hope to find a new job ASAP. Just so tired of this.

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