
Constant Placating!!!!

So I work at a non-profit and generally the vibes are good there. There are some traditional corporate types in upper management, but other than that everyone is great to work with. They've even been super accommodating and even let me do full-time remote work, since my mother is ill and I had to move out of state to help her. I've enjoyed my work for the most part and always received relatively high praise from management and colleagues about my performance. However, I do not feel I have been adequately rewarded for my performance. I came on as an intern while I was in graduate school and them subsequently received 2 promotions over the next two years. I was told that I was on a “managers track.” Last year, I was negotiating my salary and was told if I increased revenue on a product we sell by 30-40k then…

So I work at a non-profit and generally the vibes are good there. There are some traditional corporate types in upper management, but other than that everyone is great to work with. They've even been super accommodating and even let me do full-time remote work, since my mother is ill and I had to move out of state to help her.

I've enjoyed my work for the most part and always received relatively high praise from management and colleagues about my performance. However, I do not feel I have been adequately rewarded for my performance. I came on as an intern while I was in graduate school and them subsequently received 2 promotions over the next two years. I was told that I was on a “managers track.”

Last year, I was negotiating my salary and was told if I increased revenue on a product we sell by 30-40k then we could talk about that raise. To be fair, this was an off-hand comment by him, but I assumed he would stick to his word. Later on I did exactly that and increased sales by over 30k. I brought this up to him (without mentioning a raise) and he just made an excuse saying the money hasn't come in yet (It would though, all customers had signed contracts and been issued invoices that they would inevitably fill out and return).

Recently, I am fully managing multiple projects at a time that involve managing employees and ensuring deliverables are done on time. I was told before I took on these projects once they reached completion we can talk about giving me a manager title (I had been managing projects really ever since I started full-time). However, I recently had a conversation out of the blue, with no time to prepare, with my supervisor. He congratulated me with a promotion, but it's just adding “senior” to my current title. Others have the same title, but they are being paid more than me, even ones that have less experience and been at the company for less time… I'm assuming this is because I moved out of state and they are working locally. On this call, I asked him why I wasn't receiving a manager title and he said because I don't have enough experience. Apparently, I need 4+ years of experience. I currently have a total of 6 years at any job and 5 years relevant (in my opinion). I brought this up to him and he said the experience I have isn't relevant. I asked him what is relevant and he pretty much said experience had to be in the exact field we're in, even though my previous experience could easily be considered related to my current work.

Anyway, am I being ungrateful?

I just wish that if he didn't have what I had in mind as far as my path at the company he would tell me. Like I have only ever received good notes from him and my colleagues, who have all said they've put in a good word for me. I know I've had a steady trajectory here, but I know for a fact I could work somewhere else and get paid more and maybe even have a higher title than I do here.

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