
Corporate soul-less 4 song rotation.

I work at a grocery store that plays the same 4 songs, over and over again. Ive heard the same 4 or 5 songs at least twice in the last 30min. And the worst part is. That its like these songs do not exist. Neither my Spotify nor my siri can pick them up. Ive typed out almost half of some of these songs and none of them show up. Also one has a weird artifact at the end. There was once a commercial that was some old guy calling a guy named 'carl' about RSV and some golf clubs. And the very beginning of the song you could hear the beginning of 'mambo number 5'. But now theres a song that ends with the sound of a checkout BEEP, EVERY SINGLE TIME. im reminded everyday that we are not allowed to wear earbuds. And everyday i remind them that…

I work at a grocery store that plays the same 4 songs, over and over again. Ive heard the same 4 or 5 songs at least twice in the last 30min. And the worst part is. That its like these songs do not exist. Neither my Spotify nor my siri can pick them up. Ive typed out almost half of some of these songs and none of them show up. Also one has a weird artifact at the end. There was once a commercial that was some old guy calling a guy named 'carl' about RSV and some golf clubs. And the very beginning of the song you could hear the beginning of 'mambo number 5'. But now theres a song that ends with the sound of a checkout BEEP, EVERY SINGLE TIME.

im reminded everyday that we are not allowed to wear earbuds. And everyday i remind them that i do not care, that i have worn and still will wear my earbuds. Its bad enough im working 2 positions for 1 positions pay. Im not gonna suffer more than i already am lol. Honestly im in the pre-quiet quitting phase. Ive already gotten possibly another job lined up. They made a mistake in telling me that im 'their best worker' cause i know i can fuck off and not be let go. There is one boss here this is essentially my best friend for life so i hate to ever put him in a bad spot. But with that said. I look foward to coming in here with a smile on my face seeing that they hired some highschool kid to do my job and it being fucked up. Knowing that they wish i was there lol.

Kinda got off topic there, but ive needed to vent for a while. Ive noticed i start disassociating the moment i clock in.

(Probably is some spelling errors throughout so I apologize in advance)

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