
Corporate stood me down from a crew nominated position.

My crew nominated me as a representative to speak for them and bridge the gap between corporate and us low level plebs I served my crew well for a year and had pride in the way I would sort incidents and disagreements out of the bosses view. Stop people getting in trouble from higher ups. Crew loves itm This morning my boss said it would be in my best interest to stand down and focus on my job because there were people with more experience for the rep roll. The kicker is my bosses family member (who's brand new to the crew) has taken over the role and not a single person got to vote on it. Being represented by someone not voted in is bad enough but a family member is a piss take. This has obviously left a bad taste in everyone's mouth and has hurt my ego…

My crew nominated me as a representative to speak for them and bridge the gap between corporate and us low level plebs

I served my crew well for a year and had pride in the way I would sort incidents and disagreements out of the bosses view. Stop people getting in trouble from higher ups. Crew loves itm

This morning my boss said it would be in my best interest to stand down and focus on my job because there were people with more experience for the rep roll. The kicker is my bosses family member (who's brand new to the crew) has taken over the role and not a single person got to vote on it. Being represented by someone not voted in is bad enough but a family member is a piss take.

This has obviously left a bad taste in everyone's mouth and has hurt my ego a little bit. I'm pretty pissed off

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