
Craziest Screening Call So Far

About a month ago I was laid off from a very nice job. Not my favorite way to go, but I've survived multiple layoffs at a few other organizations, and no one is bulletproof so whatever. I've been applying aggressively since then – I'll post the data when I land something but all told I've put in for about 50 jobs. Last week I had probably the most bizarre screening call in the whole process, and without getting into the finer details I thought I'd just post some of the highlights to give a little glimpse of my experience. First off, I was almost ghosted by the recruiter. This has happened to me multiple times so far: they'll email to see if I have time to chat, I'll send back my availability, and they never speak to me again. Usually I'll follow up with at least one or two emails,…

About a month ago I was laid off from a very nice job. Not my favorite way to go, but I've survived multiple layoffs at a few other organizations, and no one is bulletproof so whatever. I've been applying aggressively since then – I'll post the data when I land something but all told I've put in for about 50 jobs. Last week I had probably the most bizarre screening call in the whole process, and without getting into the finer details I thought I'd just post some of the highlights to give a little glimpse of my experience.

First off, I was almost ghosted by the recruiter. This has happened to me multiple times so far: they'll email to see if I have time to chat, I'll send back my availability, and they never speak to me again. Usually I'll follow up with at least one or two emails, but only rarely does that work. This time it did, so great?

First thing the recruiter says after saying hello is literally, “This process involves a take-home element with a hard due date of one day after assignment. Will that be something you can commit to?” Like, bitch, I know literally nothing about this job, you sure that's the first thing we need to be clear about?

She gives me some pre-canned details about the org and the job, and asks some pre-canned questions. There's some weird stuff but the big finale is compensation. She asks about my expectations and i say yeah, $110k, it's in the range but towards the high end. She then says actually, we never offer the high end of the range, and also the range is tailored to your location, so your real range tops out at $103k. Then she simply says, “I guess this just didn't work out.”

I stop her before she can hang up on me right there and I ask, “Just so I understand, let's pretend I was the perfect candidate, and I was also from (my location). Even then, you wouldn't offer me the job at $103k?” No, she answers, because there needs to be room for you to grow in the role.

… My sister in Christ, you're not supposed to say that part out loud. You have basically just admitted not only is your posted salary range fucking bullshit, but that this employee will never make more than your precious $115 (or $103 if I live in the sticks)?!

I didn't even know what to do with that information. I'm thinking I'll blow them up on Glassdoor but like… Damn, this woman is fucking terrible at her job.

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