
Dear Antiwork members…

Hello everyone, I just joined a few minutes ago and I heard about antiwork only a few months ago. I heard how the antiwork movement made it to mainstream and it failed. I know we can make this happen because I strongly believe working is honestly unnecessary…it’s like modern day slavery. They’ll instantly replace us when we die. Why do we have to pay to survive and pay for water? But I digress. What I am here for and the reason I am making this post is to ask When will we all STOP working and WALK OUT of work at the same time EVERYWHERE to make this point known? When will this really begin? We need a time, date, and how it will be done to show that we are actually serious about this way of surviving and not living. Stopping everything we’re doing in the middle of work…

Hello everyone, I just joined a few minutes ago and I heard about antiwork only a few months ago. I heard how the antiwork movement made it to mainstream and it failed. I know we can make this happen because I strongly believe working is honestly unnecessary…it’s like modern day slavery. They’ll instantly replace us when we die. Why do we have to pay to survive and pay for water? But I digress.

What I am here for and the reason I am making this post is to ask

When will we all STOP working and WALK OUT of work at the same time EVERYWHERE to make this point known?

When will this really begin?

We need a time, date, and how it will be done to show that we are actually serious about this way of surviving and not living.

Stopping everything we’re doing in the middle of work and just quietly walking out. If people don’t work that day, then the day they do work they do the same. It’s not hard to do as long as we do it together as a crowd-not waiting for just one person to stand up and do something. Every last one of us need to do something all at once at the same time. Protesting won’t do it. Actions will. The best time to do it is now because it is peak season for work. That’s when most of these companies and CEOs get all/most of their money while sitting down doing nothing while we work a sweat. If you say it can’t be done then it’ll never be taken seriously. If you say you can’t do it then you are not ready for change…I understand. There’s nothing else I can do except put this out there and look forward to change.

Thank you for your time.


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