
Decided to save cancer Patients’ lives than my job!

I was leading the technical team in implementing a software solution for a cancer hospital The software needed a lot of code patches for bugs, 2-3 companies had built IP's to help solve them and add specific customisations. My company screwed them over after partnering with one of them to win the project, so lot of bugs were open for me to fix( I had to do it the old fashioned way, test, find RCA and fix) One Major bug was the medication dosage was completely wrong, you order 1 bottle and prescribe 100 ml each session, the print would come out as prescribed 1 bottle per session! And then other moronic requests by the system architect (he lied on his CV) like delete patient lab records to make it look more “Pretty” I swear! I said no! They threatened me with my job, when I tried to explain the…

I was leading the technical team in implementing a software solution for a cancer hospital

The software needed a lot of code patches for bugs, 2-3 companies had built IP's to help solve them and add specific customisations.

My company screwed them over after partnering with one of them to win the project, so lot of bugs were open for me to fix( I had to do it the old fashioned way, test, find RCA and fix)

One Major bug was the medication dosage was completely wrong, you order 1 bottle and prescribe 100 ml each session, the print would come out as prescribed 1 bottle per session!

And then other moronic requests by the system architect (he lied on his CV) like delete patient lab records to make it look more “Pretty” I swear!

I said no! They threatened me with my job, when I tried to explain the importance of the changes.. , I was shut down, they said you don't listen to Management.


I have worked in many fields, telecom manufacturing etc. I don't care if a million dollars are lost to a mistake in Management decision, I will send an email with risks and close the topic for future discussions. (This has always worked)

I can't show an email if a patient dies!

I will not have that on my conscience, mind you I was getting paid 3x my salary in my home country, I called home, told my mom and my fiance, I am going to get fired over this, but i will not quit as they wanted to hire yes men and till I was there, I was not going to let incompetent people take over.

Well it worked! I blocked hiring of 5 people who were close to the project Management as I was lead.

As soon as they hired actually competent people, I was sidelined happily, I fixed all the core issues and now was posted on a remote work assignment ( basically they were waiting for me to quit, i still had a lot of knowledge, which was not transferrable without my willingness) and I was waiting for a good job to come along.

I found something 2 times better in pay and less work. And it's not in healthcare. So yeah, now you can give me bad decisions on email, I will accomodate them if you really need it.

TLDR: Was asked to write code which will jeopardize cancer patients' health, said no! Lost my position, but failed upwards:)!

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