
Despite it being illegal, pregnancy is not something certain employers are willing to deal with.

Illegal as in not hiring someone due to pregnancy is considered discrimination; however, in the U.S., there are “at no fault” states, which means the employer can fire you at any time for any reason,, and the employeee can quit at any time for any reason. It really amps the anxiety. Correct me at all about any of this I get incorrect; I am personally only able to refer to Georgia and Virginia, and only retail positions, which are.. horrible. So the first instance happened in 2015. I had been working at a retail clothing store as a Key Holder for six months. I was never late, never called out, and worked doubles once a week. Then I found out I was pregnant. The same day I told my managers, they called me into the office and suspended me without pay for two weeks because I “couldn't handle the stress…

Illegal as in not hiring someone due to pregnancy is considered discrimination; however, in the U.S., there are “at no fault” states, which means the employer can fire you at any time for any reason,, and the employeee can quit at any time for any reason. It really amps the anxiety. Correct me at all about any of this I get incorrect; I am personally only able to refer to Georgia and Virginia, and only retail positions, which are.. horrible.

So the first instance happened in 2015. I had been working at a retail clothing store as a Key Holder for six months. I was never late, never called out, and worked doubles once a week. Then I found out I was pregnant. The same day I told my managers, they called me into the office and suspended me without pay for two weeks because I “couldn't handle the stress at all.” Interesting, as I had been handling the stress of working there for half a year already. They said they wanted to give me time to figure out if I really wanted to be there. I was married at the time and took advantage of the fact that my husband (now ex husband) wanted me to stay home anyway with our daughter so we could stop paying for childcare. But I'll never believe they suspended me for any other reason than being a liability, and quite suddenly. That job was stressful. I was still in my 20s, but I don't know how it might have gone down if I had stayed while pregnant.

This second time happened yesterday. I found out I was pregnant right before beginning a new retail position in which I was also hired on in leadership position. I was very hesitant to tell my manager, because of what happened in 2015. But I'm also 35 and fourteen weeks pregnant. They will notice soon lmao. And I felt guilty, like I was keeping this terrible secret. In reality I know it's my right not to disclose pregnancy, but the other side of that reality is I look bad for hiding something I might not be hired over; which is wrong, but of course it's going to happen. Pregnancy leads to more time off for appointments, maternity leave, and extra emotional support that may lead to exceptions that are found inconvenient to a fast-paced retail job.

My manager called me in the back yesterday and told me she was concerned that I got worn out easily. I asked her what she meant and she claimed I left the floor a lot without letting anyone know. I told her that wasn't true, because it isn't. She argued with me and I already knew where this was going so at that point I just sat and listened. Honestly, I thought she was pulling me aside to tell me I had done a good job securing two credit card sales within four days, during my second week. Credit card sales are a huge deal for them. I was proud of myself. I know retail and customers like me. But no. My manager went on to say I got winded easily as well. Let me reiterate that I am 35 years old, which is considered advanced maternal age, I'm not exactly a small person in the best shape but I still do my job, and we aren't allowed to have water on the floor. I was dehydrated, something that easily happens to anyone, but especially if your body is pumping an extra 50% the volume of blood through your body. An anxiety disorder that I deal with does make me appear winded and nervous when speaking to certain people. These are normal human things. And I felt judged for how my body was reacting despite being able to do my job and do it correctly. She further said that this was the slow time, and that people get into retail not understanding how strenuous it is. I've been in retail for twenty years.

I felt like absolute shit. After all this, without handing me anything positive, she said that tomorrow (today) is my first floorset from 6 am – noon, which I knew. But didn't she just explain to me why and how I'm not able to perform these strenuous physical duties? I didn't fucking go. I knew I was taking a risk telling her about my pregnancy, and she didn't disappoint. Retail sucks. I'm finishing my college degree for that reason; I can't put up with this crap my whole life. And I can't work for people like her. So I quit.

I just need support. I feel lousy. I know I'm worth more than this. I know I work hard and I can recognize when people are poor leaders. Please give me virtual hugs lmao. Has anyone else experienced this? Is it mostly a retail thing? And please go easy on me. I needed to vent and I need to know I'm not insane for feeling this way. Thank you. Take care of yourselves.

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