
Is it just me or is working for government just so much better than working in the private sector?

I work for a historical agency for my state where we manage historic sites. I’m basically a park ranger. I’ve also worked for the US forest service and it’s also pretty damn awesome. When I worked for the private sector the work environment was always much more toxic as the boss is always coming around to crack their whip on the rest of us. In my line of work you have your basic duties and bigger projects and you just prioritize accordingly. You do your job in a reasonable time, do a decent job and nobody bothers you for the most part. I know that the private sector generally pays better, but most government jobs pay pretty good imo. My opinion is skewed because I’ve spent most of my life poor so maybe take what I say with a grain of salt.

I work for a historical agency for my state where we manage historic sites. I’m basically a park ranger. I’ve also worked for the US forest service and it’s also pretty damn awesome. When I worked for the private sector the work environment was always much more toxic as the boss is always coming around to crack their whip on the rest of us. In my line of work you have your basic duties and bigger projects and you just prioritize accordingly. You do your job in a reasonable time, do a decent job and nobody bothers you for the most part. I know that the private sector generally pays better, but most government jobs pay pretty good imo. My opinion is skewed because I’ve spent most of my life poor so maybe take what I say with a grain of salt.

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