
Did I experience hiring discrimination?

Me and a few of my coworkers applied to the same job a few months ago which they are still hiring and advertising for today. I scrolled down on their LinkedIn page to see that many of the people they hired for the role months ago or were recently hired were also mostly white and female. Was I discriminated against? They also gave interview feedback and said i was not “passionate enough” even thought i spent hours prepping and completed all 4 stages only to be rejected in the end. The coworkers that were also rejected were also given similar interview feedback, that they were “not passionate enough” (they are part of the ethnic minority groups) and those that were hired were all white. Is this legal? I was reminded of this situation today after seeing another white female being hired by them so i got suspicious and looked into…

Me and a few of my coworkers applied to the same job a few months ago which they are still hiring and advertising for today. I scrolled down on their LinkedIn page to see that many of the people they hired for the role months ago or were recently hired were also mostly white and female. Was I discriminated against? They also gave interview feedback and said i was not “passionate enough” even thought i spent hours prepping and completed all 4 stages only to be rejected in the end. The coworkers that were also rejected were also given similar interview feedback, that they were “not passionate enough” (they are part of the ethnic minority groups) and those that were hired were all white. Is this legal?

I was reminded of this situation today after seeing another white female being hired by them so i got suspicious and looked into it a bit more.

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