
discrimination lawsuit? a working mom’s story

hi all, i’m a first-time mom and a minority living in Virginia. i worked as a contractor for a WFH company while caring for my baby, who had heart complications and required frequent medical appointments and therapy. my child’s health issues, along with my own struggles with mental health and PPD, made it challenging to maintain the traditional 9-5 hours. i sought flexibility with my work hours but was declined, despite being the only one on the team with a child. after seeking a meeting with upper management for the first time in hopes of finding a solution, i was met with re-education of their policy and no willingness to accommodate my needs. today i was unexpectedly let go based on poor communication and a refusal to compromise on my working hours. i wasn’t asking for a daily change in schedule, just some flexibility on days with appointments. i wonder…

hi all, i’m a first-time mom and a minority living in Virginia. i worked as a contractor for a WFH company while caring for my baby, who had heart complications and required frequent medical appointments and therapy. my child’s health issues, along with my own struggles with mental health and PPD, made it challenging to maintain the traditional 9-5 hours. i sought flexibility with my work hours but was declined, despite being the only one on the team with a child.
after seeking a meeting with upper management for the first time in hopes of finding a solution, i was met with re-education of their policy and no willingness to accommodate my needs. today i was unexpectedly let go based on poor communication and a refusal to compromise on my working hours. i wasn’t asking for a daily change in schedule, just some flexibility on days with appointments.
i wonder if i have grounds for a discrimination lawsuit based on my unique situation. any feedback would be appreciated, thanks!

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