
District manager “jokingly” threatened to shoot animals if I don’t talk to customers enough.

I have been working for this used game store for the past 2 month and one of my coworkers told me that the district manager says I need to talk to customers more. This is odd to me because I try to talk to customers, most the time they say they don't need any help, and I go back to cleaning accessories and consoles. She says this was brought up due to the last time I worked with him, but for 1/3 of the last shift I had with him present I was on my 30 minute lunch break, and after lunch tends to be a bit slow, so there wasn't really much for him to go off of if we are basing it on that day. I would greet customers if I saw them walk in and nobody else did or I noticed them first, I would offer help…

I have been working for this used game store for the past 2 month and one of my coworkers told me that the district manager says I need to talk to customers more. This is odd to me because I try to talk to customers, most the time they say they don't need any help, and I go back to cleaning accessories and consoles. She says this was brought up due to the last time I worked with him, but for 1/3 of the last shift I had with him present I was on my 30 minute lunch break, and after lunch tends to be a bit slow, so there wasn't really much for him to go off of if we are basing it on that day. I would greet customers if I saw them walk in and nobody else did or I noticed them first, I would offer help if I noticed someone staring at the display for a long time, but I tend to assume people know how to find what they want or flag down an employee standing there with their name tag if they need help. Add into the fact that my last shift I had to deal with a 40 year old man flirting with me, asking me to feel his bottle (we sell glass bottle sodas), and asking me for my number, and I was a bit put of by this information, especially considering I was getting it second hand instead of the guy telling me directly.

Well, not even an hour later I ended up asking someone if they needed help not long after my boss had asked them (no big deal imo, this happens all the time). My boss felt the need to point out that he had already asked though, so I just told him that I was just making sure to ask since our district manager said I don't talk to the customers enough. This is when he tell me that the district manager threatened to shoot a possum (an animal the know I like because of my username in the staff discord server) every time I missed greeting a customer. To me, this feels absolutely uncalled for. Every time I deal with this district manager I end up being made to feel uncomfortable (my first time working with him he joked for a bit too long about licking the dead hand skin out of controllers). I am a new employee and they guy is friends with HR, so I can't do anything. The girl who told me the info told me that they did the same thing to her when she started and that she guesses they just like to pick on the new hires, but ffs I shouldn't have to find out someone is disappointed in my job performance via gossip & animal abuse jokes.

Idk. I know it is a new job and I am going to screw up before I learn to do everything right, but god damn it just tell me what I need to improve instead of gossiping to others.

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