
Do not under any circumstances give more than a 2 weeks notice.

I’ve seen it time and time again where people think they’re doing the company or their coworkers a favor by putting in a longer notice to give time for them to find your replacement. Each and every time they were shown the door on that same day. Happened today to a coworker of mine. He’s not even going to a competitor, he’s going to a complete different industry and will be hauling waste products on 18 wheelers. He gave a month notice because he was willing to help train his replacement, we have a kind of steep learning curve in order to be successful at this job. They showed him the door right away. Now instead of his paychecks he will be getting unemployment which is far less. Do YOURSELF the favor and give the very minimum you are comfortable giving for notice.

I’ve seen it time and time again where people think they’re doing the company or their coworkers a favor by putting in a longer notice to give time for them to find your replacement.

Each and every time they were shown the door on that same day.

Happened today to a coworker of mine. He’s not even going to a competitor, he’s going to a complete different industry and will be hauling waste products on 18 wheelers. He gave a month notice because he was willing to help train his replacement, we have a kind of steep learning curve in order to be successful at this job. They showed him the door right away.

Now instead of his paychecks he will be getting unemployment which is far less.

Do YOURSELF the favor and give the very minimum you are comfortable giving for notice.

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