
Do you ever wonder what the idiots managing these companies do/think?

They just look for new workers and don't reflect on past events (people quitting, or people being fired). They hang out at r/prowork subreddit and complain about the workers not working hard enough and expecting hand-outs. They hang out at country clubs or yacht clubs and share stories about how they treated their workers and laugh about it while enjoying themselves. Even though I'm ex-Navy, I never managed with a chain-of-command style similar to the corporate structure. I managed like we were all equals, I just happened to have more experience and salary, but trained and taught those I managed so one day if I got promoted, one of them would be able to take over my position. If not, they would be able to leave and find a job that paid them what they were worth. If they got their job for the day done, I didn't care what…

  1. They just look for new workers and don't reflect on past events (people quitting, or people being fired).
  2. They hang out at r/prowork subreddit and complain about the workers not working hard enough and expecting hand-outs.
  3. They hang out at country clubs or yacht clubs and share stories about how they treated their workers and laugh about it while enjoying themselves.

Even though I'm ex-Navy, I never managed with a chain-of-command style similar to the corporate structure. I managed like we were all equals, I just happened to have more experience and salary, but trained and taught those I managed so one day if I got promoted, one of them would be able to take over my position. If not, they would be able to leave and find a job that paid them what they were worth. If they got their job for the day done, I didn't care what they did as long as they were on call to do something if something came up until their shift was over (Microsoft Game Division's mentality back in the early 2000's). If they couldn't do something, or if they had any problems, it was always an open door policy to talk to me about it. I wouldn't reprimand them for something they couldn't do, I would just work with them or have someone else work with them until they were able to do it themselves. Pretty much everyone I managed, they either took over my position when I left, or they left and found a six-figure salary, and I always gave them a phenomenal reference. How cut-throat today's corporate world is just boggles my mind.

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