
Don’t even bother trying to get Sunday off anymore.

I fully acknowledge that this is for a smaller portion of the population, but I want to vent. I don't want to return to the workforce; but capitalism, so yah. I have always been a Marijuana enthusiast. This has been my personal choice, I acknowledge I have limited by career path, this is separate to my current issue, still intertwined, but separate. I was raised Christian. As far as Christians go, I'm a bad person. I still try to keep my faith, I keep it to myself, mostly, unless asked for advice or help in person, and it would be pertinent. The one open thing I do to signal is say, “I don't work Sundays.” No matter what, I believe it's God saying, “you need to take time for yourself, even I did.” It's also a convenient day to work in praise and worship while recharging your battery, if that…

I fully acknowledge that this is for a smaller portion of the population, but I want to vent.

I don't want to return to the workforce; but capitalism, so yah. I have always been a Marijuana enthusiast. This has been my personal choice, I acknowledge I have limited by career path, this is separate to my current issue, still intertwined, but separate.

I was raised Christian. As far as Christians go, I'm a bad person. I still try to keep my faith, I keep it to myself, mostly, unless asked for advice or help in person, and it would be pertinent.

The one open thing I do to signal is say, “I don't work Sundays.” No matter what, I believe it's God saying, “you need to take time for yourself, even I did.” It's also a convenient day to work in praise and worship while recharging your battery, if that helps your battery.

I'm just trying to get part-time work to start. I'm applying to some of the most base entry-level retail positions. (I don't want to work food or direct care, if you know these fields, you have an idea why)

I'm fully open and honest with interviewers and explain, how I dropped out of the work force because of Covid, and I'm trying to ease back into the swing of things.

They are all using my inability to work Sundays as a reason to washout my application. Or at least everything is hunky dory until Sunday availability is brought up. I have even had a manager say, “well, you could go to church, then come into work.” It always feel like HR reps testing to see if you will debase yourself and lower your standards in the phone call, just to get a job.

Idk, It used to be an easy standard request that companies didn't bat an eyelash over, now it's feels like, “fuck you, we want a bitch that will do whatever we say, when we say, fuck your weekends and how dare you advocate for yourself.”

Rant over.

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