
Don’t think this is that egregious, but still frustrating

It's really the fact that the “We are listening” thing is EXPLICITLY a limited time event that shows me that there is no real consideration for the benefits of the employees. I can't say they treat us horribly over there, I just feel this is purely performative. Not to mention the ridiculous hour cuts they like to pull (I went from eighteen hours a week to eleven) it's frustrating as a part time employee, I can't imagine what it's like for the people they make sure live paycheck to paycheck so this shitty job is their only option.

It's really the fact that the “We are listening” thing is EXPLICITLY a limited time event that shows me that there is no real consideration for the benefits of the employees. I can't say they treat us horribly over there, I just feel this is purely performative.

Not to mention the ridiculous hour cuts they like to pull (I went from eighteen hours a week to eleven) it's frustrating as a part time employee, I can't imagine what it's like for the people they make sure live paycheck to paycheck so this shitty job is their only option.

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