
Employee “Appreciation”

The company I currently work (pawn industry) for is having an employee “appreciation” day this week. Here is a comprehensive list of all the “prizes” we can earn on said day. To earn a spin on the wheel we have to make a sale of over $100 or a pawn of over $300. For the balloon pop it’s a sale of over $500. This company is worth over $100 million and THIS is how they “appreciate” the employees that make them their money.

The company I currently work (pawn industry) for is having an employee “appreciation” day this week. Here is a comprehensive list of all the “prizes” we can earn on said day. To earn a spin on the wheel we have to make a sale of over $100 or a pawn of over $300. For the balloon pop it’s a sale of over $500. This company is worth over $100 million and THIS is how they “appreciate” the employees that make them their money.

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