
Employer still withholding for insurance even though I switched to part time

I was working full time at employer One. I gave notice that I was leaving. Employer One wondered if I would stay on part time (wfh) until they filled my role. I agreed. I stayed on W2, not 1099. Got my first part time paycheck. Noticed they are still taking out for insurance. Employer One said “oops. That will be fixed moving forward.” My question is two-fold. Should I insist on switching to a 1099? And is there any way to recoup the pay that went to insurance? Any advice is appreciated!

I was working full time at employer One. I gave notice that I was leaving. Employer One wondered if I would stay on part time (wfh) until they filled my role. I agreed. I stayed on W2, not 1099. Got my first part time paycheck. Noticed they are still taking out for insurance. Employer One said “oops. That will be fixed moving forward.”

My question is two-fold. Should I insist on switching to a 1099? And is there any way to recoup the pay that went to insurance?

Any advice is appreciated!

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