
Feeling like applying for a job is a rat race.

I have had several experiences where I applied for jobs where the pay is not mentioned. Usually it says some vague crap about the pay being at market rate or some version of that. As a result I commonly end up in some online meeting or phonecall where I then ask what the rate is, they give a range that is rediculously low compared to the level of experience and education they said they were looking for, and I have to let them know I am no longer interested while giving a fake smile but being pissed off. You end up wasting hours and hours filling in all your information, writing a letter at times, all that stuff, and it's all a waste of time. It seems companies are just dumping thousands of job vacancies online without naming the salary in the hope some fool can be talked into accepting…

I have had several experiences where I applied for jobs where the pay is not mentioned. Usually it says some vague crap about the pay being at market rate or some version of that. As a result I commonly end up in some online meeting or phonecall where I then ask what the rate is, they give a range that is rediculously low compared to the level of experience and education they said they were looking for, and I have to let them know I am no longer interested while giving a fake smile but being pissed off. You end up wasting hours and hours filling in all your information, writing a letter at times, all that stuff, and it's all a waste of time. It seems companies are just dumping thousands of job vacancies online without naming the salary in the hope some fool can be talked into accepting a possition for far less money than they are worth. It feels like most of the “job openings” listed online aren't even real. Companies are just posting dozens of fake vacancies as if they're fishing, just throwing out as many hooks as possible. If they manage to trick someone to accept one of these horrible offers they will just make up a possition. As a result it's a nightmare to look for a job, having to slog your way through the sewage filled swamp that's the online job hunting market. I think this also explains why there are so many stories of people who accept a job where one thing is promised but then the real job is some braindead monotonous crap that anybody can do. It's because there never was an opening and now they are just keeping you in the company doing low wage work for low pay in case they do need someone with your skills in the future. And if they find out later they don't need you after all they just fire you on the spot.

This makes me feel like applying for jobs is a waste of time. You spend days, even months at times, scrolling through sites, checking out job vacancies, filling in forms and writing letters etc. just to find out it's all crap.

Am I the only one who feels like this? What do you guys think?

P.S. Sorry for bad English, it's my second language.

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