
Follow up: Boss text (check post History- 1st Week December)

I wanted to add a conclusion to my tale. After my boss consistently and persistently neglected to give consideration to my family's well being following the house fire, I was dealing with an incredibly taxing evening. I suffered extreme trauma to my psyche, as I had saved my grandparents in a housefire roughly a decade prior to now. Seeing the charred remnants of my former life, along with flashbacks of said previous fire (which consumed my only consistent childhood home), along with the stress of possibly losing my longstanding career job, I made the decision to have a drink at the local pub. In doing so, There was set forth a series of unfortunate events in which I wrecked my new car, (which was mostly purchased out of necessity, as my employer erroneous told me I would not be driving as many miles as I was upon hire.) Insurance neglected…

I wanted to add a conclusion to my tale. After my boss consistently and persistently neglected to give consideration to my family's well being following the house fire, I was dealing with an incredibly taxing evening. I suffered extreme trauma to my psyche, as I had saved my grandparents in a housefire roughly a decade prior to now. Seeing the charred remnants of my former life, along with flashbacks of said previous fire (which consumed my only consistent childhood home), along with the stress of possibly losing my longstanding career job, I made the decision to have a drink at the local pub. In doing so, There was set forth a series of unfortunate events in which I wrecked my new car, (which was mostly purchased out of necessity, as my employer erroneous told me I would not be driving as many miles as I was upon hire.) Insurance neglected to pay, which I hear was quite common during this season's winter storms. My employer, of course, terminated me.
They then committed wage theft by removing the truck warranties attached to my last fleet sales, which cut my final commission. (which was already spent mostly for the holidays, as I wanted to help my family.)

Please keep my personage in your prayers, along with all those who suffer under of the Yolk of Nero Caesar…. Keep the light of hope alive, beloveds. The Republic has fallen from grace….

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