
Forced to apologize for a typo

Another post on the sub reminded me of something that happened probably 7 or 8 years ago. I work in IT in state higher ed. Compute resources are always scarce and part of my job was being the subject matter expert who helped guide the department in how to allocate them. Developers were always asking for more resources for whatever project they had going. One developer in particular kept sending in incidents asking to be allocated more CPU and more RAM for a project that served about 8 people. I would respond that they weren't using more than 10% of the resources they were already allocated and close the incident. The CTO, himself not a systems person but a networks person, called me to his office and said “Just give him what he's asking for.” So I sent an email telling the developer I would “Shift some resources around to…

Another post on the sub reminded me of something that happened probably 7 or 8 years ago. I work in IT in state higher ed. Compute resources are always scarce and part of my job was being the subject matter expert who helped guide the department in how to allocate them. Developers were always asking for more resources for whatever project they had going. One developer in particular kept sending in incidents asking to be allocated more CPU and more RAM for a project that served about 8 people. I would respond that they weren't using more than 10% of the resources they were already allocated and close the incident. The CTO, himself not a systems person but a networks person, called me to his office and said “Just give him what he's asking for.” So I sent an email telling the developer I would “Shift some resources around to get him what he was asking for but it would take a bit of downtime for other systems so I could reduce their allocated pool.” Problem was, I mistyped “Shift”. Left a letter out.

A day later, I was summoned to HR, along with my manager and the developer in question. I was told that they did not appreciate me cursing in an email and were demanding an apology or that I be terminated. I had no disciplinary writeups, nothing in my file. My reviews up to this point had always been above average. This same developer had been sent to anger management counseling several times, once for slamming his office door hard enough to crack the window glass. I needed the job so I swallowed my pride, tried not to laugh, and apologized for cursing in my email.

Working for the state government can be an entirely surreal experience.

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