
Forced to work sick

I've suffered for over 2 decades with stomach issues. Those are idiopathic gastroparesis, colitis, and gastritis. Those are just the start. I also have back issues which I was seeing a chiropractor for at my old job. My new job since I've gotten no help from doctors at all has added more health problems to the list. I have heel spurs and arthritis in both knees and bone spurs too. My immune system is totally weak too. I just came off of having a fever for the last 2 days and wasn't able to barely move. When it comes to my job I work retail overnight and only work there because I have no options. The job offers no real benefits and is severely low paying on top of it. The insurance plan the company chose doesn't cover a lot so I'm paying a lot out of pocket. When it…

I've suffered for over 2 decades with stomach issues. Those are idiopathic gastroparesis, colitis, and gastritis. Those are just the start. I also have back issues which I was seeing a chiropractor for at my old job. My new job since I've gotten no help from doctors at all has added more health problems to the list. I have heel spurs and arthritis in both knees and bone spurs too. My immune system is totally weak too. I just came off of having a fever for the last 2 days and wasn't able to barely move.
When it comes to my job I work retail overnight and only work there because I have no options. The job offers no real benefits and is severely low paying on top of it. The insurance plan the company chose doesn't cover a lot so I'm paying a lot out of pocket.
When it came to filing for disability the judge was corrupt as hell and reversed everything I told him in his summary of my case when he denied disability for me.
I don't know how much more I can take of working sick before I just drop.
Right now I am waiting to see if I can get a business loan even though I'm in bad shape health wise. I thought if I had to work it would be a little better to do it for myself. I've wanted a business for decades and whenever I mentioned to people to join me they were all talk no action. So right now I'm trying to do get something on my own. I know people say put your health first. The problem is the doctors have been totally useless when it comes to help. I've had to be my own doctor and dietitian for my stomach problems all of the time. So since I'm getting no help I hope the loan goes through. It would be easier to not have to be under someone's thumb when it comes to working or my health.

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