
Found out colleagues are getting higher bonuses than me for something I worked on alone

At the company I work for, all staff are awarded bonuses based on the goals they are provided to complete before the end of the year. Mine and the colleagues goals were set by our CEO who we all directly report to. It may be worth noting that I have a decent relationship with the CEO as I started out as her assistant and worked my way up. In general, she’s always taken care of me financially and up until now, I’ve never had to ask for a raise or negotiate salary/bonuses. The 2 colleagues I’m talking about are a step higher than me in the food chain so to speak. However, it is known by the CEO that one of those colleagues is chronically a piss poor worker. Why she keeps this person employed is beyond any of us at the company. I learned today that the two colleagues…

At the company I work for, all staff are awarded bonuses based on the goals they are provided to complete before the end of the year. Mine and the colleagues goals were set by our CEO who we all directly report to. It may be worth noting that I have a decent relationship with the CEO as I started out as her assistant and worked my way up. In general, she’s always taken care of me financially and up until now, I’ve never had to ask for a raise or negotiate salary/bonuses.

The 2 colleagues I’m talking about are a step higher than me in the food chain so to speak. However, it is known by the CEO that one of those colleagues is chronically a piss poor worker. Why she keeps this person employed is beyond any of us at the company.

I learned today that the two colleagues and I had a shared goal, and I learned the bonus amount for that goal was higher than mine. I found this out because I was on a teams meeting with the piss poor worker colleague who was stupid enough to show me her goals and the bonus amounts attached to them. She had asked for my help to help her finish one of her other goals. I didn’t say anything but pocketed the information. I am not sure what the other colleague will make from the shared goal, but I assume it is more than what mine is because she’s a similar level to the other colleague.

I of course have done 100% of the work on this goal and continuously do the work. It is now actually one of my ongoing responsibilities. Neither of them have participated or attended any meetings for the whole year or implemented any of the projects associated with this goal.

I am definitely going to discuss with the CEO but wondering what approach I should take. Do I mention I saw the amount and therefore I know for a fact I’m getting jacked or do I be more vague so as not to throw the dumb colleague under the bus for being dumb enough to show me her bonus amount? The ultimate goal is to negotiate a higher salary and/or bonus.

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