I have never worked someplace this toxic in my life. And I have worked for some real doosies. I wasn't supposed to know, but figured it out earlier this week and my manager confirmed. (He is a horrible micromanager, but not a bad guy.) He was cool with me basically doing nothing the rest of the week while the paperwork got done. I am pissed though because I was never given a chance in this job.
At least I had some advanced warning it is coming, so I am not shocked when it happens. But I am still dreading this. I have never been fired in my life. I was trying to find another job and leave. It would have felt amazing to flip off the company and tell them to sod off. But I am getting a severance and I don't want to jeopardize it by bad behavior now.
So help me out. Please send me any positive affirmations. Frankly, I am pretty damn scared. Hiring is really slow in my industry and I have a family to take care of